We have submitted this objection to 20/02550/FUL ‘application for enabling works comprising access, clearance and remediation, reprofiling, drainage, flood mitigation, landscaping and associated works’.
You can view the application by searching 20/02550/FUL here.
We object to the design of the new access road which sever’s the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT) National Cycle Network (NCN) route 67 cycle and footpath.
This route should have priority over any side roads or access roads. The crossing therefore needs to be designed so that priority is very clearly given to people walking and cycling with motorised traffic giving way to these users. However, the design clearly shows the cycle route giving way to the access road.
We object to the design of the proposed shared use cycle / footpath used to access the site. This is too narrow. This needs to be 5m wide (3m for two way cycling and 2m for pedestrians). Alternatively the new road will need to include protected cycle lanes. The shared use path also fails to connect to the site itself or even the existing NCN route. It is unclear what people cycling are supposed to do when they reach the end of this path, or how they are supposed to access this path from the site.
We object to the inclusion of ‘kissing gates’ or any other kind of access barriers or controls which are contrary to the Equalities Act.
We object to the use of historic rather than current design standards for active travel infrastructure. The ‘Proposed enabling works development comprising access etc highways notes’ document submitted by the applicant refers to outdated cycle design standards – LTN 1/95 (from 1995) and LTN 2/08 (from 2008). Please can Sheffield Council ensure that developers are using modern rather than antiquated design standards for their applications?
The design of the crossing, the introduction of access barriers and the narrow shared use cycle/footpath are all contrary to current design policies/guidelines, for example, the Department for Transport’s Cycle infrastructure design (LTN 1/20), the Sheffield City Regions Active Travel Design Principles and Sheffield City Councils 2019 Transport Strategy.
Please discuss these issues with Sheffield Council’s Transport Planners for inclusion in the planning conditions.
Again the pollution takes priority.
I object because this is a well used walking route not just by individual walkers but also by established walking groups with some groups who cater for individuals with disabilities along with eyesight impairments.