Update 13/09/19
Call for volunteers. Please sign up if you are interested.
Sheffield City Council have agreed to a trial road closure of Division Street.
This will be happening on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th October from 10am to 4pm on each day. As part of our agreement to close the road we are going to have to undertake some of the work required for the organisation of the day and marshalling the closure points.
If you would like to volunteer then please could you send me your name and email address. I know that marshalling for a full day is a bit of a demand so I’d be very happy for people to volunteer for this for just half of a day. I’m hoping that we can have about 15 marshals in place throughout the day. That might be a couple more than necessary but the better we can run the days the more people will be able to see the value of Division Street as a car free space.
As a marshal, you’ll be making sure no vehicles except emergency services enter the closed area, letting people know what it going on, probably offering some directions to some of the diverted traffic and hopefully collecting some feedback from visitors.
Once I’ve gathered some names I’ll be sending out an email to ask people what they can commit to.
CycleSheffield is looking at what opportunities there are to pedestrianise Division Street and plan to put a proposal together to Sheffield City Council and the Sheffield City Region Active Travel Commissioner. We feel that feel that this change will make Division Street a more attractive and healthy area for visitors, businesses and residents.
The current plan shows one possible layout for pedestrianisation in this area. This is a minimal plan which requires the least change to infrastructure and no changes to the existing road or pavement surfaces. We would like to hear your feedback on the plan.
We are particularly interested in hearing from disabled people on how this will affect them, any challenges that it presents and opportunities to improve the plan to make the area more accessible and appealing.
Please send any feedback or questions to PedestrianiseDivisionSt@gmail.com.