More information about the development can be seen by searching for 19/02601/FUL on the SCC Planning Application site where you can also comment on the plans.
We object to the installation of any kind of discriminatory access barriers on the Trans Pennine Trail (TPT) National Cycle Network (NCN) route 67 cycle and footpath.
The use of barriers severs the route, ending the priority of people walking and cycling and instead prioritising motorised traffic using the new access road.
Any kind of barrier makes walking or cycling less convenient and appealing. They are especially awkward and frustrating for people with pushchairs, shopping trolleys, crutches, walking sticks/frames, or who are holding children’s hands. Narrow barriers are obviously obstructive to people cycling who are less physically able to lift and squeeze their handlebars through the gap. They can prevent the use of paths completely for users of larger and less nimble cycles like tandems, some recumbents, various trikes often used by disabled people, and cargo bikes. They also create access issues for wheelchair users, mobility scooter users and people with prams and pushchairs.
We believe that the installation of barriers like these could break the Equality Act 2010.
Bollards with a 1.5m gap are the simplest way of preventing access by cars and other larger vehicles. They do not prevent motorbikes, mopeds etc from accessing the paths, however, it is clear that neither do barriers. Bollards have been used to replace the broken gates on the same route as it crosses Grange Lane / Deep Lane and there have been no reports of a subsequent increase in use by motorbikes, mopeds etc.
The crossing of the cycle and footpath by the new access road needs to be designed so priority is very clearly given to people walking and cycling with motorised traffic giving way to these users.
This is a proposed new road for access into a new employment site. The new road is designed for HGV access and is therefore clearly unsuitable for cycling on. The shared use path into the site will need to be at least 5m wide or the new road will need a protected cycle lane.
Pedestrian guardrails must not be included in new transport schemes. They are proven by Transport for London to increase pedestrian KSI collisions.
The use of access barriers, the narrow shared use path and the loss of priority over an access road runs counter to the Sheffield City Council Transport Strategy adopted earlier this year as well as the new Sheffield City Region basic minimum standards for walking and cycling infrastructure. This development needs to be redesigned.
Please discuss these issues with Sheffield Council Transport Planners for inclusion in the planning conditions.
I would suggest if this road is to be built that a simple traffic light system is included similar to the one’s used around Meadowhall where there are pictograms of cycles and people changing from red to green. this reduces the risk in terms of those crossing over the road, albeit at extra cost, but if it reduces or negates accidents it would be worth it.