Objection to Urban Splash planning application to build car parking over green space at Park Hill

Please accept the following objection to 23/01960/FUL | Refurbishment of the Duke Street block for a mixed-use development comprising residential apartments, commercial uses (Use Class E), landscaping, car parking and other associated works | Park Hill Estate Duke Street Park Hill Sheffield S2 5RQ  &  23/01961/LBC | Refurbishment and alterations to the Duke Street block for a mixed-use development comprising residential apartments, commercial uses (Use Class E), landscaping, car parking and other associated works | Park Hill Estate Duke Street Park Hill Sheffield S2 5RQ from Cycle Sheffield on behalf of our 1,900 1,919 formal supporters.

We are objecting to this development for two reasons.

1. As a uniquely well connected site, the need for parking here should be minimal. The site is at the heart of the cities walking and cycling networks, adjacent to the main train station, has a tram stop servicing it and is within 10 minutes walk of most bus services in Sheffield. Residents at the site already have very low car ownership. Provision of parking here is likely to generate more journeys, and make it more difficult for Sheffield to meet it’s ambitions to:

  • Be a net zero city by 2030
  • Be a city that put’s people and greenspace first
  • Maximise green growth

2. As one of the car parks is fed from South Street and Pat Midgely Lane, it will generate extra car journeys on one of the few quality sections of the strategic cycle network. With approximately 46 spaces accessed this way, this will generate approximately 100 extra movements on the South Street, a significant derogation of the local cycle network which is currently well used by cyclists and pedestrians. It is likely that this degradat  .We cannot support a development which will degrade the cycle network. Many at the existing phases of the site cycle, but many are put off by the poor quality of the local cycle network. The site travel plan doesn’t talk at all about the quality of the cycle network nearby and how it affects the amount of people who will cycle.

As part of the development Urban Splash should be enhancing the cycle network, considering the existing large numbers of cyclists at the site. This could include:

  • Changing access to the phase 1 Anson Street car Park to be from Duke Street rather than South Street, allowing South Street to have a traffic filter at Pat Midgley Lane
  • A signalised crossing at Talbot Street / Norfolk  Road, making a very dangerous junction for cyclists much safer and improving the safety of one of the cities strategic cycling routes
  • Pedestrianisation of South Street between Norfolk Road and Shrewsbury Road, removing a dangerous junction and allowing the extension of a park.
  • Funding of some of the improvements to the Sheaf Valley Cycling route, which South Street connects to through Park Hill
  • Funding of the cycling provision between Angel Street and Fargate, which has been removed from the Future High Streets fund due to budget constraints. The site connects to it and it would improve cycling journeys to locations including Sheffield University, the town hall, city hall and peace gardens, division street & Hallamshire hospital.

Many Thanks

David Bamford (Secretary), on behalf of Cycle Sheffield’s 1,900 registered supporters

One thought on “Objection to Urban Splash planning application to build car parking over green space at Park Hill

  1. I am in full support of this objection. Active transport needs to be encouraged and this planning application does exactly the opposite and discourages it.

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