Update 25/11/22
We would like to respond to the revised plans and highways technical note. It is noted both local councillors, members of the public and Highways Development Management largely share our views, especially around very cost effective pedestrian & cycle safety measures.
1. We would like to reiterate our request for the priority of the Eyre Street entrance to be physically changed to match new highway code guidance.
While the existing route is clearly designated route, the priority of the route is unclear.
We request a simple pair of give way lines to be painted, which is a cheap, cost effective safety improvement. See previously referenced LTN1/20 guidance.
2. The applicants response is welcomed. While 5 stands (10 spaces) will be provided, it is recognised 8 stands (16 stands) are located at the Aldi opposite. A minor increase of 3 extra stands would be welcome, especially with at least one wide space for cargo bike / mobility aid bicycles.
3. If a differentiated crossing is provided on South Lane, a painted zebra (without beacons as it is on private land) is still required to reinforce pedestrian priority.
4. We thank the applicant for this addition.
5. Noted.
6. We would like to offer our support for the request made by the HDM in paragraph 50.
The applicants response that staggered crossings are perceived to increase safety. This outdated view point does not match national guidance and modern thinking. There are several nearby examples of SCC removing staggered crossings, in favour of continuous crossings. This both increase capacity and safety at crossings.
HDM Comment 6: HDM state that the staggered signal-controlled crossing on Eyre Street should be improved to remove the stagger.”
Kind regards,
Dexter Johnstone
On behalf of CycleSheffield
We have objected to planning application 22/01163/FUL for Lidl at St Mary’s Gate proposals. The full objection is in the attached document below.
The proposed development will have a significant detrimental impact on a key section of Sheffield’s walking and cycling network, the Cycle Ring Route.
The Sheffield Cycle Ring Route is an important part of the active travel network and must be protected & upgraded accordingly.
We also have concerns about the impact on the Transforming Cities Funded “Nether Edge Cycle Route” as part of Connecting Sheffield. The main issues are as follows:
- Cycle Ring Road crossing of site access at Eyre Street
- Cycle Parking
- Impact on South Lane Pedestrians
- South Lane – existing Zebra crossing & lack of drop kerb
- Planning Statement Error
If you would like to object you can email the case officer jacob.george@sheffield.gov.uk copying in planningdc@sheffield.gov.uk.