Objection to the removal of the Penistone Road cyclepath by planning application 23/03815/OUT (land at junction With Herries Road, Herries Road South And Penistone Road S6 1QE)

Please ensure you include your name and address in your objection otherwise the council cannot register them and take them into account.

Please support this objection by emailing:


your ward councillors

The leader of Sheffield Council, Tom Hunt – tom.hunt@councillor.sheffield.gov.uk

Chair of Sheffield Council Transport Committee, Ben Miskell ben.miskell@councillor.sheffield.gov.uk

The Mayor of South Yorkshire, Oliver Coppard – mayor@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk

South Yorkshire Active Travel Commissioner, Ed Clancy ed.clancy@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk

members of the Planning and Highways Committee: Glynis.Chapman@councillor.sheffield.gov.uk













CycleSheffield objects to the application as it fails to contribute to facilitating active travel on the major roads immediately adjoining the site and in fact significantly degrades the existing active travel provision on Penistone Road.

In particular we object to the removal of the cycle path on Penistone Road and its replacement by a motor vehicle slip road. We also object to the failure to provide an upgraded crossing over Herries Road South which was a condition for previous applications to develop this site. We also object to the loss of priority for people walking and cycling over the new site entrances. 

Penistone Road is one of the most well used radial cycle routes into and out of North West Sheffield. It is one of the very few cycle routes in Sheffield on a major arterial road which is separated from motor traffic. It forms part of the strategic National Cycle Network and the Upper Don Trail and the City Council has identified it as a top priority for upgrading in the latest DfT submission.

In the application the current Penistone Road cycleway has been removed and replaced by a motor vehicle slip road which has been added to Penistone Road, reducing current space provision to a shared footway.

Instead of removing active travel infrastructure the developer and SCC must ensure that active travel infrastructure is now built to the LTN 01/20 standards as part of this development, including widening the existing cycle/footpath. 

The developer should be required to make space and pay for, or at least contribute to, the controlled crossing at the Penistone Road / Herries Road South junction which is urgently needed.

There should be no loss of priority for people walking and cycling at any junctions or site entrances. The cycle and footway should be continuous over these, in line with modern design standards.

All of these issues have been well-documented in the discussion and comments on previous applications for this site and we would have hoped that these would have formed the starting point of the pre-application process with the planning authority which has apparently taken place.

9 thoughts on “Objection to the removal of the Penistone Road cyclepath by planning application 23/03815/OUT (land at junction With Herries Road, Herries Road South And Penistone Road S6 1QE)

  1. I am 86 and have COPD. I don’t ride in winter but when the weather picks up I use this often. Through Beeley Woods, claywheels Lane and on to the Penistone Road track. Does this mean I’ll have to ride in the traffic?

  2. We’ve emailed everyone you suggested with your text and a preamble saying:
    Hello All,

    Below is the Cycle Sheffield objection to the planning application above. We are writing in addition to their objection as we are the Sustrans Rangers and Trans Pennine Trail volunteers who look after and monitor that section of both trails. The state of sections of the so-called “cycle path” alongside Penistone Road is abysmal and allowing a planning application which would further degrade the already unfit and inadequate cycling infrastructure there would be totally unacceptable. There has been a history of conflicts of interest between the businesses along the route and the need for an unobstructed and safe cycle path and allowing this planning application would create further such conflicts.

    We hope that the application will be given short shrift when it comes up before the Planning and Highways committee.

    Take care, Tony Cornah and Polly Blacker

  3. Here are all the email addresses in a format that you can easily paste into an email.


  4. Here’s my 2pennorth, posted on SCC planning portal and emailed to the list of Cllrs etc – thanks for that:(with thanks to previous commenters for inspiration)
    I object to this plan as it proposes the removal of the cycle path on Penistone Road and its replacement by a motor vehicle slip road. I also object to the failure to provide an upgraded crossing over Herries Road South which was a condition for previous applications to develop this site. I also object to the loss of priority for people walking and cycling over the new site entrances.

    The current dedicated cycle route alongside the road is part of Sustrans’ National Cycle Network and the TransPennine Trail; as well as being a ‘missing link’ in the Upper Don Trail. This cycleway is not only a ‘leisure/social’ route but also one of the few radial routes connecting the north and centre of Sheffield. It is heavily used, even in its current, sub-standard state. Given the supposed Council aim of net zero this is a major backwards step in provision of active travel

    Any plan to alter the existing cycle network should be required to spell out how the development will leave that cycle network as good or better than it was before. I think this site should only be accessible for motor vehicles via Herries Rd and/or Herries Rd South. Such an arrangement seems to work fine for the nearby Sainsbury’s.

    NB As far as non motorised access goes, why not use this opportunity to create a pleasant traffic free cycle and pedestrian route from the Herries/Penistone Rd junction (say near the bus stop) along the river to then give access to the Herries Road entrance to this development, thereby simultaneously upgrading the appallingly neglected wooded area.

    The proposal adopts a wholly car-centric approach, which is contrary to the expressed aims of SCC and their applications for additional funding for Active Travel, in conjunction with the SYMCA.

    Lastly, I just want to say how discouraging and annoying it is to be wading through all this once again (see previous applications and responses) – why on earth has this application been given any consideration whatsoever in this current form? Such a waste of everyone’s time and precious Council resources.

  5. It is especially important at rush hour when the traffic queue for a solid. If there is no cycle lane, then there is no space to cycle other than filtering down between the two queues of traffic.

  6. Thank you all!!
    i have also emailed to express my objection and disappoint as part of the cyclists in Sheffield who commute to work via the above mentioned route.

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