As the long-anticipated launch of dockless bike share draws near, ofo have kindly allowed CycleSheffield to borrow one of the distinctively yellow bikes to take it for a test ride ahead of the city-wide launch.
What are the bikes like?
Aside from the cheerful colour, the first thing I noticed was how much it seemed like a relatively normal bike. They’re sturdy and certainly heavier than most ordinary bikes, but it doesn’t feel like you’re pedalling a small tank like some of the older generation of public hire bikes. Everything’s recognisable and easy to use, with just a few curiosities that need further investigation. Chief among these is the ring lock which is key to the dockless experience, allowing bike to be unlocked and ridden away from anywhere. More on that, later…
Bits and Bobs
The bikes have a host of well-designed features that make them simple and easy to use. The grips are ergonomic rubber and are comfortable, but they’re also a little bit narrow, especially the left hand which incorporates a simple bell, taking up a bit more space. The seatpost can be adjusted effortlessly using a handy lever under the saddle, which is an improvement on the usual ‘quick release’. There’s also a separate carry handle at the rear of the seat.
The bikes come with an incredibly useful front rack/basket that’s ideal for carrying a bag. This makes cycling with a few bits and bobs a lot easier, especially for casual users. The maximum load is 5kg which should be plenty for most trips, but the added weight can affect the steering so it’s something to be aware of when you set off. My only grumble would be that the basket isn’t very deep, so a fixed bungee cord would be a useful addition.
The lights are built-in, which is excellent and means you can just hop on and ride away no matter the time of day. The front in powered by a dynamo hub, and the rear a solar powered and both are entirely adequate and should stop you having to worry about carrying your own.
The tyres, whilst inconspicuous enough at first glance, are actually solid rubber and entirely airless. This means that they’re completely puncture proof, which should provide some peace of mind and you can travel along, knowing that even the cratered moonscape that is Chesterfield Road won’t leave you deflated. Most of the time I could barely tell the difference, and the bike rolled smoothly and comfortably on newly laid surfaces, but when the road was bumpy, it was noticeable.
Some of the bikes provided in similar hire schemes have been criticised for being too small for the average British user and ofo, acknowledging this, have tried to cater accordingly. I found, however, that even with the seatpost at its highest, the bike seemed a bit too small – not a huge problem on a quick pootle to the shops , but after cycling for a few miles it was noticeable. At 6 ft, I’m not excessively tall so some larger bikes would be welcome.
It’s hard to get excited about brakes (I’m sure there will be exceptions out there!), but suffice to say they’re pretty good. There’s a noticeable difference between the powerful front Shimano roller brake and the lackadaisical rear drum brake, but in any case you’ll stop just fine, even flying down a steep hill.
Speaking of which… In recognition of the city’s topographical diversity, the company have reduced the weight of the bikes to help lighten the load. Whilst most dockless schemes have until now opted for single speed bikes ofo have, sensibly, introduced a geared version for the Sheffield market. The Shimano 3-speed hub gears change fairly smoothly and ensures a hassle free ride, resulting is a bike that is light enough to ride comfortably on flat and gentle inclines. The gearing caters for some variation in comfort levels, and is great for stopping and starting at lights, but with only three gears, it’s not effortless and I still found some of the slopes around the city centre a challenge. The journey from the station provided the first test. South Street (for the photo opportunity as much as the hill) and pedestrian-thronged Howard Street were achievable, and cycling up to Crookesmoor was fine but a bit of a slog. For the scheme to be a success, it’s essential that the bikes are easy to use on Sheffield’s undulating streets, not least considering the likely demand for journeys in some of Sheffield’s hillier parts, but also to ensure the bikes are accessible to a more diverse range of people, including those who might not currently cycle. At the time of writing, ofo were testing out different gear ratios to help combat the issue, so we should be able to provide an update soon.
How easy is it to use?
Ofo’s arrival in Sheffield will see a fleet of initially 500 bikes across the city, available to anyone with ofo’s mobile app, which unlocks the bike using a QR code scanner. The company have worked with Sheffield City Council and other stakeholders to ensure that key locations will be covered, such as the railway station, hospitals and other transport, learning and employment hubs. The bikes can be used to cycle anywhere, but must be brought back within a designated, ‘geo-fenced’ area, initially covering the city centre and surrounding inner suburbs, and reaching out along the Don Valley. A later phase should increase this to cover most of the city.
Downloading the app and registering is simple and, unlike many other operators, ofo doesn’t require a deposit, making it all the more easy to set off on your journey. As the scheme hasn’t launched yet, we weren’t able to review fully the user experience in Sheffield, such as finding a bike at rush hour, whether bikes seems to collect in specific locations, or how ofo deal with issues and maintenance. Once the scheme is up and running, we’ll be sure to provide an update.
If there’s anything else you’d like to know about the bikes before they launch please get in touch. You can contact us on our facebook group, twitter or email
This is a great review of the bike with everything covered.
How easy will the app be to use for technophobes?
yes, quite. The review said the plan was to reach out to people who don’t normally cycle. That surely means many older people and those who don’t have smartphones will be excluded
The bikes look all very well thought through except –
Is that really a semi-exposed drivetrain???
These bikes will hopefully be in constant use and will be left out in all weathers. Is this some job creation feature for chain cleaners and oilers, or is there going to be a persistent major rusty / stiff / prematurely wearing out drivetrains issue?
Quite baffled by that really, a simple full chaincase would decrease the maintenance requirements massively.
Yes Andrew, I thought that seemed an unusual choice, too. I’m not sure what difference it will make, but I notice that the chains are not entirely enclosed on London’s Santander Cycles either. Perhaps it doesn’t affect maintenance too much?
It’s almost nothing to worry about. My Chinese friend told me that in China ofo is not the best choice but the quality of their bikes are tough enough.
will this mean more people riding around without helmets ?
I hope so!
Let’s hope so. All the evidence points to more uptake if folk aren’t pressured into wearing technical gear.
I have to say that’s really an exciting thing for everyone. The concept of sharing will be beneficial to everybody. To be honest, the sharing bicycle is a necessary in China, I hope it will be accepted by more British. And I am looking ward to seeing the application of WeChat and AliPay to be used here in the UK. Nice work!
Great ldea, but no lock is pick proof, yes the bikes can by tracked, but what about the parts ? Do they have a report back on the app, “yes the frame is here, but that’s it ?
From the looks of them, the parts will be quite safe.
Can I just let you know that I have just walked home from girlfriends house and one of your bikes has been dumped outside 18 Holmhirst Drive, Woodseats, Sheffield, S8. It was not there at 9pm tonight, but was there at 1.40am on Sunday 14th January.
Hello Michael,
It is a dockless bike hire scheme and so the bikes can be left anywhere as long as it is safe and legal to do so (so not causing an obstruction).
Just wanted to say i think your bikes are the worst idea in years!They are already strewn everywhere and on a number of occasions i have had to step into the road as a number of them have just been left by some inconsiderate person blocking the pavement.
So thank you!
You can report ofo bikes that have been inconveniently parked / left using their app.
CycleSheffield is not ofo.
Beautiful idea ofo means I I wont after uses the dirty bus and expensive company firstgroup
I like a grea bicycle
How much does this service charge
It is 50p for thirty minutes with a cap of £5 over a 24 hour period
In the perfect world, an environmentally plausible idea. However, have seen one thrown into the canal and several left ‘trashed’ in the Page Hall area……presumably the ‘free’ hire period having expired (flawed hirer security?), I would question the schemes economic viability as a private enterprise. The kids riding them about (on the pavement) don’t appear to be the sorts to have a ‘spare’ £5 per day (£35 per week) to ‘waste’ on bicycle hire. Unless ‘policed’ properly this project has the potential to cost someone a lot of money – undoubtedly not the (ab)users, rather the council tax payer! What a world we live in?
yellow bike now at the bottom of green oak road S17 moving up & down green oak road daily damaged if not collected I will take it to the tip for you .from roger
Hello Roger, have you reported the bike to ofo?
Love the bikes, but they are constantly in a house behind a locked door when they’re marked as available on app. Any suggestions?
You should be able to report these to ofo (via twitter or email).
I’ve used the OFO scheme on a number of occasions. An absolute delight, I felt like I was on holiday whilst cycling around Devonshire Green. The freedom it gave me was excellent and essentially was a vehicle for me to move around and spend money in Sheffield city centre. The bikes are as mentioned rather heavy, I did struggle and eventually gave up going up East Bank Road! So the future of the scheme in Sheffield, may be more gears? As also mentioned ‘the idiots’ will get hold of them and abuse them. But this cost of damage is all built into the business plan. Hopefully the bikes will become the norm. I was pleased to see Sheffield getting such ‘innovative schemes’ in a timely manner. Can the people of Sheffield be trusted with this scheme – I hope so! I am an adamant helmet wearer, so the lack of helmet issue needs to be considered some how? A possible helmet lockable to the bike, with disposable ‘liners’ for inside the helmet. Obviously there would be a cost attached to this idea. All in all well done Sheff for bringing in the scheme! What’s next for cyclist?
I used them a few times.
Pretty good, though I couldn’t imagine cycling up to Walkley. The amount I saw with the tracker/lock removed always worried me. I’d report them and I was unsure if they were ever collected (I once kept one in my yard for them to collect, after 4 days got fed-up waiting so I put it in the alley)
Unfortunately OFO withdrawing from Sheffield has backed up my worries.
sounds very interesting.
But I do not know why I remembered a taxi by looking at the yellow bicycle.
I’ve been e-mailing Ofo for about 6-weeks to come and collect a damaged/vandalised bike which was dumped close to where I work. They haven’t replied to my e-mails and the bike still hasn’t been collected.
They seem to respond on twitter. So you can report it to them there alternatively let us know where it is and we can report it for you.
Cycle share schemes, when managed properly, are definitely the way forward when it comes to inner city transport. It’s a shame to hear that bikes are being left as obstructions but great work and initiative from ofo on this!
They seem to respond on twitter. So you can report it to them there alternatively let us know where it is and we can report it for you.
Cycle share schemes, when managed properly, are definitely the way forward when it comes to inner city transport. It’s a shame to hear that bikes are being left as obstructions but great work and initiative from ofo on this!