CycleSheffield Constitution

Our constitution sets out how CycleSheffield should be run. It was last updated at our June 2019 AGM.

1. Name

1.1 The name of the Group is CycleSheffield.

2. Objective

2.1 The objective of CycleSheffield is to campaign for a cycle friendly city which would enable more people to travel actively.

3. Area

3.1 The nominal area covered by CycleSheffield is the City of Sheffield. However CycleSheffield may undertake work outside this area at the discretion of the committee.

4. Membership

4.1 Membership is open to any person who supports the objective of CycleSheffield.

4.2 Any membership fees will be decided by the committee at the Annual General Meeting.

5. Officers and Committee

5.1 The Officers of CycleSheffield are a Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

5.2 CycleSheffield is managed by a committee comprising the Officers and other members.

5.3 The Officers and committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations will be either in advance or in person at the meeting. All positions will run from the end of that meeting to the end of the Annual General Meeting following. The Committee has the power to co-opt members.

5.4 If a Chair is not elected at the AGM then s/he will be elected by the Committee from amongst its number.

5.5 Committee meetings may take place in person or by electronic communication.

5.6 The quorum for a committee meeting is half of the committee members, but in the event of a quorum not being obtained, the meeting may proceed and decisions taken ratified (or disallowed) by at least one half of the members of the committee voting in a subsequent poll.

5.7 The committee may invite such other persons to attend its meetings as it considers appropriate but such persons shall have no voting rights.

6. Finance

6.1 The financial year for CycleSheffield is 1st April to 31st March.

6.2 All funds collected by or raised in the name of CycleSheffield are accounted for as required by the committee and banked and/or invested in the name of CycleSheffield.

6.3 Authority to operate bank and investment accounts is vested in 3 committee members nominated by the committee.

6.4 Upon dissolution of CycleSheffield, any funds remaining will be donated to an organisation that shares similar aims and objectives.

7. Meetings

7.1 There will be a regular committee meeting open to all members. The purpose of these meetings is to progress the objective of CycleSheffield.

7.2 An Annual General Meeting will be held each year in June to receive the annual report and accounts, elect Officers and committee members and to deal with any other competent business.

7.3 Resolutions to be moved at an Annual General Meeting must reach the Secretary by 30th April preceding.

7.4 An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held upon a decision of the committee or by a request to the Secretary signed by at least 10 members of CycleSheffield. Any resolution to be moved shall accompany the request and no other resolutions shall be permitted at the meeting.

7.5 Members will be given at least 14 days notice in writing of General Meetings and the resolutions to be moved thereat.

7.6 All members of CycleSheffield are entitled to attend General Meetings.

7.7 The Chair of the committee, or such other person as those present may agree, will chair the meeting. The Chair will have no vote except a casting vote in the event of a tie.

7.8 Every member will have one vote at a General Meeting.

7.9 Ordinary resolutions approved by a majority of those present and voting at General Meetings is binding except if they would result in the insolvency of CycleSheffield.

8. Relationships with other organisations

8.1 CycleSheffield may affiliate to other organisations at the committee’s discretion. Such affiliations shall be reviewed annually.

9. Alteration of Constitution

9.1 The Constitution may be amended by a resolution at a General Meeting.

10. Other Matters

10.1 Any matters not covered by the Constitution may be decided by the committee.