CycleSheffield tour of Waltham Forest Mini-Holland

CycleSheffield went to the London Borough of Waltham Forest to look at their ‘mini Holland’ walking and cycling infrastructure developments in September 2017.

We are grateful that Councillors Jack Scott and Adam Hurst took the time to travel down to London and their enthusiasm to learn what can be done and to Clyde Loakes, the Deputy Leader of the Waltham Forest Council and to Simon Munk from the London Cycle Campaign for showing us round.

Unfortunately Councillor Ben Curran was due to attend, but was unwell on the day.

Mini Holland: Bicycle parking

The improved infrastructure in Waltham Forest is enabling more people to walk and cycle. This in turn requires more places to leave one’s bike.

Many bike hoops have been installed.

A popular development is the installation of lots of Bike Hangers. These are a secure way of keeping bikes on the street. A space in a Bike Hanger is £20 a year.

Each Bike Hanger can hold 6 bikes and takes up the space of 1/2 a car.

Bike Hangers would be great in places such as Kelham Island, where storage of bikes in flats is a problem.

The link below demonstrates how the Bike Hangers work.

Mini Holland: reducing traffic flows

One of the great benefits of the mini Holland developments in Waltham Forest is the reduction of traffic flow through residential areas.

This in particular has removed many car ‘rat runs”. In some instances small residential roads were having thousands of cars pass through each day, mainly concentrated in the peak travel period. Now, the same roads only have a few hundred cars.

The result has been peace and tranquillity. Children are now able to safely play in the streets and local business have increased visitors and better trade.

Mini Holland: cycle lanes

Waltham Forest are building new cycle lanes and upgrading old ones.

In places, new segregated cycle lanes are being created by building onto the road and providing space for cycling in both directions.

On one busy stretch of road a 1.8 km cycle lane is being created to provide a high quality route for walking and cycling, which crosses a very busy junction. Part of the work includes widening a bridge.

This is clearly a significant investment and is the result of strong political leadership.

Mini Holland: orcas and armadillos (or light segregation)

Waltham Forest have established some cycle lanes by installing lines of small humps, which are often referred to as orcas or armadillos.

This is seen as an inexpensive and quick way of establishing a segregated cycle lane.

Some technical information from ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) here.

Would such methods work in Sheffield?

More photos uploaded to our Flickr account.

One thought on “CycleSheffield tour of Waltham Forest Mini-Holland

  1. Mini Holland, love the idea…. but:
    Sheffield has parked cars on cycle lanes;
    Cycle lanes that just stop;
    Very poor signage;
    Cycle lanes/routes that share with or cross tram lines;
    Street furniture in cycle lanes.
    Bike hangers/lockers for single bikes at car parks and on streets yes please.

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