Sheffield Council have released the traffic regulation orders (TRO’s) for part of the Sheffield Hallam University Cycle Route which will connect the City and Collegiate campuses.
You can see them here, here and here.
Here is the CycleSheffield response:
This is an improvement on what is currently there and we welcome the creation of a useful cycle route in the centre of Sheffield. It is, however, supposed to be an ‘exemplar’ scheme “guided by examples of international best practice”. The plans represent some positive changes, but are largely unambitious and fall short of what is required of one of the city’s key cycling routes.
Broomhall Street should be much more like the new Leavygreave Road layout: a pedestrian and cycle dominant environment with very low levels of motor traffic, a design that supports this and enforces low speeds. Between Park Lane and the Collegiate Campus there is a large amount of pedestrian traffic and no need for car parking.
More detail is required on the design, particularly surface treatments, as this has the potential to have a significant impact on the success of the scheme.
Plan 1 – We support the removal of on-street parking on Broomhall Road and making Broomhall Road one way (eastbound only) for motor traffic between Park Lane and Victoria Road. This will cut out through traffic and improve conditions for people walking and cycling.
Plan 2 – Too much on-street parking has been retained in this section. We are concerned about removal of space for pedestrians to maintain vehicle parking and whether these footways are wide enough to allow the parking spaces to be widened into them. This represents a loss of amenity for people travelling on foot, and should be reconsidered. Where width is restricted, on street parking should be on only one side of the street to maintain space for comfortable overtaking and maintain footway width, and minimise the risk of dooring. An example of this arrangement can be found, below.
There is also a dooring risk with parked cars on both sides of the road at some points on this section. We urge the council to use this opportunity to remove all the non-permit holder parking along the route.
The transition arrangement between Broomhall Street and slip lane from Hanover Way is poor and will increase conflict between users of different modes. Both cycle and motor vehicle movements travelling west encounter adjacent same give way markings which will lead to confusion over who has priority and increases the likelihood of injuries. A different design must be considered to enable safe access to the toucan crossing linking the route.
Plan 3 – SCC should use the opportunity to make Wellington St and Fitzwilliam Street 20mph in line with the Council’s aspirations for the city centre.
The use of a parallel pedestrian and cycle crossing across Fitzwilliam Street, combined with a modal filter at Wellington Street would provide the necessary high level of service and convenience for active modes on this key, exemplar, route. The additional public space created by the modal filter will enhance this neglected area of the city centre and has the potential to help improve the public realm along Wellington Street, creating additional space for outside seating and other uses for local businesses. An indicative plan can be found, below.
An excellent response, lets see what SCC’s response will be after Jack Scott’s statement at last weeks meeting about wanting to engage and hear the views of cyclists, lets hope it is more than listening and then ignoring them.