We’re changing to free membership!

We want to get lots more people on board so that we can have a bigger impact in the campaigning we do. So from now on we will not charge a fee for membership. This will be much simpler for us to administer, easier for people to sign up to, and won’t need it to be renewed each year.

We will now term everyone who joins us supporters.

Join today!

Existing members will be automatically added to our supporters list and won’t need to do anything.

If you would still like to support CycleSheffield financially that would be great. You can simply leave any existing standing order in place as a donation, but it is up to you. We don’t spend much, so a little for costs like printing, web hosting etc goes a long way.

Thank you for supporting CycleSheffield!

You can also follow on Twitter and join our Facebook group.

Add your name today!

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