Sheffield City Council is currently consulting on a strategy to brand Sheffield as “the Outdoor City”.
Please respond the consultation before it closes at midnight on Sunday 29th November.
You can read our full response to the Outdoor City consultation here and a brief summary below. You are welcome to use our response as the basis for your own, or to express support for our response.
CycleSheffield believes that the best way to make Sheffield a true outdoor city is the creation of a high quality cycle network of safe, joined-up routes which provide protection from motor traffic.
- We believe a well-planned high quality cycle network is the most effective way to meet Outdoor City aims of attracting talent and businesses to the Sheffield, making the most of our natural assets and leaving a legacy of increased participation in sport and recreational activities.
- A high quality cycle network will connect the places residents live, and the places where visitors to Sheffield are staying, with the outdoor activities of their choice.
- Big businesses want better cycle infrastructure.
- A quality environment for cycling & walking boosts local businesses.
- A high quality cycle network brings lucrative cycle tourism opportunities…
- …But only if Sheffield’s reputation as a cycling city improves!
- A true ‘Outdoor City’ creates a lasting legacy for its people.
- A true ‘Outdoor City’ provide fair and equal access to the countryside without reliance on a car.
What should I write?
- That you support CycleSheffield’s response.
- That Sheffield needs a high quality cycle network which everyone can use, not just young, fit or brave people.
- That people can enjoy the outdoors more if they are given safe direct routes so they can make normal daily journeys by bike.
- That family cycling should be available right on your doorstep without having to first travel by car to somewhere safe.
- Your experiences of riding a bike in Sheffield with your family/friends/children.
I would cycle far more in Sheffield but because cycle lanes often run out and roundabouts are so dangerous that I have to get off and push my bike on the pavement , I have started to walk to work instead. It’s a shame as I enjoy cycling.