Cycling in the Pub: Creating ‘Mini Hollands’ in Outer London. Monday, 7pm, Rutland Arms

Monday 25th October, Rutland Arms, 7pm. Facebook event

Join CycleSheffield for the first of our ‘Cycling in the Pub’ talks for an evening of inspiration, entertainment and discussion.

Our first event will tell the story (so far) of the ‘Mini Holland’ scheme whereby London boroughs bid to win £100m of funding to transform their town centres using the kind of design principles which make cycling so safe, fun and easy in the Netherlands.

What’s not to like you might ask? Cue trial road closures, trials, tribulations and near tribal warfare. Join us for the full story and to see the results now the first of the schemes has been built. We’ll also be chatting about what we in Sheffield could learn from schemes like this.

This will be a fun and friendly event, all welcome. Great if you want to get involved but don’t know many people. Food and drink available from the bar throughout the evening. We hope you’ll stay to chat and hang out with us afterwards.

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