Well done! Cycling provision most frequently raised topic in Sheffield Retail Quarter consultation

The results of the Sheffield Retail Quarter consultation are out and cycling issues were the top two issues raised. CycleSheffield organised postcards made up 30% of all responses to the consultation.

A huge thanks to everyone who filled one in or helped hand them around.

Responses to Sheffield Retail Quarter consultation
Responses to Sheffield Retail Quarter consultation
Topics raised in response to the consultation
Topics raised in response to the consultation

The planning application has been submitted and it’s time for us to review it.

We’ll be holding a public meeting on Tuesday 8th September at 1830, everyone is welcome to come along, even if you don’t know us. We’ll walk around the site and explain what the plans mean for cycling, looking at the roads, junctions and key routes. We’ll then head to a pub somewhere to share views and discuss what we’ve seen. Please do come along if you’d like to find out more about what the scheme means for cycling. All the details are on our Facebook event here.

If you’d like to swat up before the event then the key documents to read are the Design and Access Statement(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), the Framework Travel Plan(1,2,3,4), and the Transport Assessment(1,2,3,4,5,6,7). These should all be read in conjunction with the big set of drawings in the Parameter Plans document. I’ve put them all here.

Hope to see lots of you next week.