Notice to members
CycleSheffield AGM
Thu 12 June 2014
Start 7 pm social time in the bar
AGM Start 8 pm
Rutland Arms, Brown St, S1 2BS
Please come along to hear what we’ve done this last year & how we’ve spent your money
and what we’re intending to do over the next year.
We will also be looking for members to join us on the committee.
- Apologies & introductions
- Minutes of last AGM
- Reports from the Officers – what we’ve done and what we may do
- Approval of CycleSheffield Constitution – we don’t have one, but need one if we want to develop as an organisation, e.g. charitable status. The
we are asking members to approve is here NB we have incorporated our resolution of grievances procedure
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into this
. - Election of 2014/15 officers & committee members . If the constitution is accepted then we need a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Membership Secretary and a Trustee PLUS 5 other committee members who can do things like research, managing our IT, publicity, manage our campaigns and events schedule – we don’t have specific named roles but will write job descriptions to suit volunteers strengths. A Chair can be elected from within the committee. Nominations to me as and when up to Wed 11 June – you can even put yourself forward at the meeting (and we promise not to twist your arm if you attend!)
- Financial statement see
- Confirmation of membership fee – we do not intend to raise subs this year but we are going to ask members to voluntarily increase their sub for 1/9/2014 to 31/8/2015 and review subs during the next FY.
- AOB & date of next AGM
Everyone is welcome and if you do want to run for a committee position or suggest a formal motion, email me at Looking forward to seeing you there.