SYP Inspector Sehartlic came to the SCC Cycle Forum last week on Tuesday 18 March to discuss a possible solution to coaches parking on the cycle path that is part of Sheaf Valley Cycle Route.
Away fans’ coaches have been parked on there by SYP or SUFC stewards and stopped it being used by cyclists.
We have raised this with SYP at senior levels, SUFC, and the Police Commissioner through emails and tweets.
Matt was organising a protest demo for last Saturday’s (22 March) game.
Insp Sehartlic told the Forum that at the Charlton v Blades match (9th March) they had nigh on 40 coaches to park up.
They parked coaches on Harwood St and Randall St (both connect Hill St to Bramall Lane) and the coaches they couldn’t fit on those they parked on the cycle path alongside Asline Rd
He recognised that parking on the cycle lane was not acceptable and said that SYP are to work with SUFC and SCC to ensure that:
from next season they have a plan and a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) that will allow SYP and SUFC to park coaches on Asline Road (not on the cycle path; on the road).
They need the TRO to close the road – traffic will have to go along London Rd if this happens but the cycle path will remain open
So the order of parking will be Harwood St, Randall St then Asline Rd.
Once supporters are off the coach and in the ground then coaches on Asline Rd will be moved onto Bramall Lane near Cherry St – which is closed for the games anyway.
The Sheaf Valley Cycle Route will remain open during SUFC home fixtures
This is a plan and negotiations are still being held with SUFC, I think SCC will be delighted with this news as their investment and designation of the Sheaf Valley Cycle Route was threatened
All to be finally confirmed later; but I think Inspector Sehartlic will be able to persuade anyone to see the sense of this plan!
(Apparently the SUFC ‘firm’ (Blades Business Crew) are in top 5 of gangs of hooligans and home matches always have the possibility of some trouble, so SYP are v cautious)
I just got an email from the Police Commissioner which says, ”
It is my understanding that Inspector Peter Serhatlic has been in touch with yourself regarding the on-going issue of coaches parking on cycle lanes around Bramall Lane and surrounding areas such as Asline Road.
I am of the knowledge that this has now been resolved and you have had assurances from Insp Serhatlic that this will no longer happen.
I trust your issue has now been resolved and that you have had a more efficient and successful dialogue with South Yorkshire Police.”
It is to be noted that I had been in correspondence with 8 or 9 different officers from Sergeant to Chief Inspector before Insp Sehartlic seemed to have set up a solution.
So CycleSheffield will assume it is resolved when we see it is resolved and this response doesn’t resolve the other issues we mentioned to the Police Commissioner like v little enforcement of moving traffic offences such as traffic filling up yellow boxes and responses to reporting of incidents to SYP involving cyclists put at risk.
At the Forum Inspector Sehartlic noted that SYP resources for policing traffic have been reduced and are only likely to be increased if KSIs increase (better get run over then!)
The story about te parking on the cycle lane has been picked up nationally and locally from
Matt’s blog and posted elsewhere
So we trust our members will keep an eye on it; it was members’ comments with us and with SYP on tweets and emails that kept us at it.
Thanks, the encouragement does give us courage to continue.