Agenda and some notes for CycleSheffield Meeting Monday 2 Sep 2013

Agenda & notes  for CycleSheffield meeting

Monday 2 September 2013

at the Heeley Development Trust, Ash Tree Yard, 62-68 Thirlwell Rd, S8 9TF.

Start 7.30 pm Close 9.00 pm

(Follow the Sheaf Valley Cycle Route to Saxon Rd/Chesterfield Rd, Turn L then turn R into Thirlwell Rd by the Red Lion map)

Cycle stands in the yard

Tea and coffee available

All welcome

  1. Apologies

  2. Minutes of last meeting

  3. Financial Report and Budgeting HH (do we need this?)

  4. Feedback from Cycle Forum and next Cycle Forum: AR/MN

  5. Campaigns and Campaign Policy SG

    1. City Centre Master Plan MT

    2. Taxi driver behaviour MN

    3. Making one way streets contraflow – likely candidates. MT

    4. Twenty’s Plenty/Active Travel  RA

    5. Streets Ahead – update on progress, MN

    6. Bikes & Trams

      1. On-going campaign PB

      2. Tram-Train PB

      3. Track relaying MT

      4. Future extensions SG

    7. City Issues

      1. Asline Rd MN

      2. Any other correspondence

  6. Membership progress and numbers, and Membership benefits & communications MN/TC

  7. TdF 2014 update – MN

  8. Chair’s business – Scrutiny Committee, Sheaf Valley Cycle Route, Claywheels Lane etc

  9. Programme of CycleSheffield meetings and socials

  10. AoB

  11. Date of next meeting

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