We have learned that the consultation about Hillsborough Sainsbury’s and Claywheels Lane has not been successful and the only solution offered is sub-standard..
I have sent the email below on behalf of CycleSheffield to Leigh Bramhall who chaired the decisions committee and chairs the Highways Cabinet.
If any members live in Hillsborough ward and/or use Claywheels Lane would they adapt this email and send it to your councillors , let me know you’ve done so.
Sustrans may like to know as well
Don’t let the b*gg*rs grind you down!

Dear Leigh
cc Les Sturch, Cycle Champion
I regret to inform you that CycleSheffield is at best dismayed and at worse infuriated with the road scheme that is to be put in at the new Saisbury’s in Hillsborough.
The consultants are unable to provide a segregated two-way path of 4m for pedestrians and cyclists to access the supermarket and NCN 627 aIong Claywheels Lane.
Their original design was 3m, We asked for 4m as per DfT guidelines but we are now informed that it can only be 3.5m otherwise the consultants and developers would have to redesign the supermarket’s car parking(!)
It may be an accommodation by the consultants but wearily we are precisely where we don’t want to be but where we are pushed to nearly all the time – accepting sub-standard designs.
CycleSheffield feel we are at this position because there seems to be no rigour in the design and monitoring procedures.
And designs are presented far too late for consultation or scrutiny.
The result is not what we reasonably asked for and it is not good enough because it doesn’t fit to DfT guidelines (Next time if we ask for 4.5m then do we get 4m?)
As far as we know the DfT guidelines are available to all designers, so can the advice from SCC to external consultants explicitly refer to them everytime for every development at the beginning of the design process please?
The spec had Claywheels Lane down as a Sustrans Route and there should be safe and appropriate access to Claywheels Lane for pedestrians and cyclists not only to, but also past, Sainsbury’s.
CycleSheffield presume this was known to SCC staff responsible for monitoring progress with the designs and the consultants hired by Sainsbury’s to do the designs
So to us it looks like ignorance or neglect of design criteria and/or ignoring the public who will use the facilities and pander to the client who calls the tune with their dosh!
Having made our points and as it seems sub-standard designs are to be accepted then CycleSheffield will seek legal advice to ascertain the position if cyclists and pedestrians are in collisions with each other or with motorists on this layout – having made our reasonable points clearly we don’t want possible victims of collisions being blamed for design faults that will be the result of sub-standard design and the acceptance of sun-standard design.
We understand cycle audits will hopefully mean that situations like this are not repeated and we urge you to ensure that Highways and Transport implement these NOW.
We will protest and resist sub-standard designs at every opportunity, and we request that those opportunities are created.
If SCC is able to ensure that external consultants share their designs within appropriate time scales then please will you make sure this has happens from NOW on.
If this is not possible we would like an explanation as to why not
If SCC staff are monitoring external consultant’s designs then would you please ensure that they adopt a pro-active stance that recognises the city’s signed-up commitment to The Times’ campaign Cities Fit for Cycling and the Welcome to Yorkshire’s TdF legacy, otherwise these commitments are not worth the paper SCC is signing them on.
We will write to the local councillors about this particular matter and the CEO of Sainsbury’s.
SCC should be ashamed at this outcome.
yours in dismay
Mick Nott
Chair, CycleSheffield
No mention of the tortuous crossings through the junctions for cyclists?
I don’t think we managed to get anywhere with this when talking to the engineers/council.
We have mentioned the crossings before.
I didn’t mention the crossings because I felt we had conceded on them at the meeting – there were no alternatives discussed other than phasing of the lights.
For me the only thing we stuck on was a 4m segregated two-way path to provide some integrity for NCN627 to and apst Siansbury’s – and they can’t even concede that.
I agree we didn’t get anywhere which is why I am so upset.
That is what I made the requests
We understand cycle audits will hopefully mean that situations like this are not repeated and we urge you to ensure that Highways and Transport implement these NOW.
We will protest and resist sub-standard designs at every opportunity, and we request that those opportunities are created.
If SCC is able to ensure that external consultants share their designs within appropriate time scales then please will you make sure this has happens from NOW on.
If this is not possible we would like an explanation as to why not
If SCC staff are monitoring external consultant’s designs then would you please ensure that they adopt a pro-active stance that recognises the city’s signed-up commitment to The Times’ campaign Cities Fit for Cycling and the Welcome to Yorkshire’s TdF legacy, otherwise these commitments are not worth the paper SCC is signing them on.
As far as we know the DfT guidelines are available to all designers, so can the advice from SCC to external consultants explicitly refer to them everytime for every development at the beginning of the design process please?
I think
our next step is to make an individual request fro info on current state of plans on all the major developments (by planning permision number) taking place, say every month so we can check on progress.
and the step after that is to write to The Times and W2Y to say that SCC is not fit to be part of their campaigns!
Hi I often use Claywheels Lane to get to town from Oughtibridge. I live in Deepcar, but being 75 and having COPD I find the last part of the journey up from Oughtibridge to my home a bit beyong me. I was pleased that the Beeley Woods track had been improved. I had no idea of any plan to build a Sainsbury’s on Claywheels Lane. I presume it to be on part of the Fletchers site, but would be pleased to know. I do find lack of any cycle track between the bottom of the Lane and the Swimming Pool a bit difficult. You have to have eyes in your bum at the junction of Herries Road. I fully support any action taken to support us on this route. Good Luck. Yvonne
Thanks Yvonne. I will send your comments on to the councillors and officers concerned. I think this scheme is just so professionally incompetent.
I am a resident, directly adjacent to the site and although not a cyclist, share your dismay. Throughout this proposal I have been promised consideration and alterations to reduce risk to my young family.
However, they are still building the store traffic entrance directly opposite my driveway, despite personal promises at the consultations and in front of witnesses.
While I wish you luck with your campaign, I, from bitter experience, doubt that either your common sense or desire to enhance safety will blip on the radar of the cash cow that is “supermarket footing bill for new road surfaces can have WHATEVER it wants”.
They submit plans, with lots of glossy consultations that came to nothing. Then they quietly submit modifications to plans, one after another until they get their 24 hour, to he’ll with the rest of you, superstore.
I have wasted hours on well reasoned objections.
The latest questionnaire they posted through my door started with ” we plan to remove the only roundabout” and ended with ” once the work is complete, the roundabouts will be safer for pedestrians and cyclists”.
What roundabouts? You stated at the start that there won’t be any!!
They don’t even proof read their own propaganda!
Good luck.
Paul Hewitt
Thanks Paul. My email has got a response and I think councillors are having words with officers. I would be grateful if you would adapt my email to Leigh Bramall and send it to your councillors; I am not a Hillsborough resident.
What it’s going on is a disgrace and is down to professional not political incompetence.