We want a people-friendly Sheffield where people of all ages and abilities have the freedom to get around by bike.
Safe, convenient and enjoyable space for cycling, which you can use whatever your age or ability
- Protected space on main roads and through junctions
- Prevent through-traffic on residential roads and lower speed limits with Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
- Safe walking and cycling routes to schools
A people-friendly city is a cycle-friendly city
- Enable active travel by prioritising walking and cycling over driving
- Liveable streets and friendly communities by giving streets back to people that were once dominated by cars
- City-wide cycle hire scheme giving easy access to cycling for anyone
A comprehensive and high-quality cycle network
- A direct, safe and convenient network of fully-protected cycleways which connect homes, workplaces, shops and leisure areas
- Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in residential areas
- Cycle routes in parks and green spaces to complement a cycle-friendly road network
- Cycling integrated with public transport with cycle hubs at transport interchanges
- Cycle parking in public spaces and public facilities
Sheffield will be a better place to live for everyone if we make changes to our city so that cycling can become a normal, convenient and enjoyable way to travel.