We have carefully reviewed the Department for Transport’s draft strategy for Cycling and Walking, and submitted a formal response on behalf of you our members. We found the proposed strategy deeply disappointing. You can see it here.
DfT says that they understand the compelling arguments for improving cycling infrastructure, and the excellent return on investment (better than twice as good as HS2!) , but under their proposals…
- They will not set standards for new infrastructure – as a result standards and quality will vary widely depending on how much Local Authorities feel they can afford, London will have Super Highways, Leeds will have 75cm wide roadside tracks, and currently Sheffield has red tarmac at the side of busy roads which is mostly used for car parking after 9:30. Neither cyclists nor motorists will have a consistent understanding of how to behave on the roads.
- There will be no new money to pay for Cycle lanes etc, which are already massively under-funded – each City will be expected to pay for their Walking and Cycling infrastructure by taking money out of their Local Growth fund – which was intended for Economic Growth. In Sheffield there are already numerous conflicting priorities for the shrinking funds we receive from the Government. We think this is doomed to failure.
We have responded by suggesting to the DfT what needs to do if we are to have any chance of succeeding with walking and cycling. You can read our response to the DfT proposal here.
This is a time when we need your support more than ever.
– We don’t know if we will receive a formal response to our proposals, but it would be useful if you can support us by raising our concerns with your local MP here.
– or you can respond to the Dft yourself here.
– Join us on the Space For Cycling ride on Saturday the 11th of June. More info here.
– And come along to your AGM on Wednesday the 29th of June. More info here.
Hi there, I totally agree with your feedback. I think one thing I would add is I notice nowadays you don’t see any kids cycling on our streets because it is unsafe – that is really a terrible trend – I think cycling schemes should cover commuting (I am a cycling commuter) but also making cycling safe for kids.